Topic: POD HD500 Update
I haven't had enough time to play with it yet to give a decent review.
So far I have set up the edit software on the computer. Without this I would find the whole process totally annoying and it would most likely put me off using the thing. For me to see the display I literally have to get down on my knees and put my head quite close which is not a comfortable position for tweaking - my eyesight is not the best but I am pretty sure it would be the same for most.
The editing software makes things much more straight forward. It still takes a little time but from what I can tell, for each channel you have a bank of 4 patches controlled by the lower 4 pedals, and you can assign individual effects to the top 4 pedals. So for example you could have a really nice tone and using the top pedals add or remove a chorus or delay without having to make a whole new patch.
So far I have been using this as effects only, plugged directly into my Blackstar 1W. I have created one patch myself and I downloaded another from the Line 6 patch site. They need tweaking to get the sound I want but so far pretty good - I have not tried what it is like going direct into the computer.
I will certainly be doing some more testing over the Christmas period as I have some well deserved time off!