The place I struggle with is, is when they have a question to something that's not yet been covered. Like we will be on Triads and they've just learned a lot and can name every Major and Minor chord, and so they say, "What about 9th chords, I just heard about them" I Have to say, we'll get there. Many times they have a little pre-existing knowledge and they'll say, "Oh can you show me how to solo in Mixolydian?"
And I'll say, "Yeah we'll get to that" And they say "Cool, when can we get to that?" And you have to say, "Well you see, first we have to get the fundamentals down, and triads and Major Keys and..." and you can see on their face, they realize it's not gonna happen next week.
That's never a fun thing, but we push on.
Also, there may be times where a student needs a break from theory, and we'll say, "hey man, lets just jam", or "hey can you teach me this song", and well take a few weeks sabbatical from the theory and throw a bone to the students...and that really IS a good thing, and I quite enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with saying...hey, time for a little break, lets change it up a bit!
Good points, Don!
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