Topic: website for guitar lesson plan
This site will keep you or your students very busy. I think it is one of the best on the web. So much on this site too!
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This site will keep you or your students very busy. I think it is one of the best on the web. So much on this site too!
Great resource, John- well laid out and easy to follow for even beginners . Thanks for posting this.
Great resource, John- well laid out and easy to follow for even beginners . Thanks for posting this.
glad you like it
it really has a lot to offer and the site over the last 2 years has gotten better and added new stuff
hope you and your students like the site
I'm sure they will- I certainly do. If you like to work from sheet music on occasion, rather than TABS, a search for Pianotte will bring up a site used by music teachers to source printable retail-quality free sheet music for hundreds of popular pieces of music. Highly reccomended.
Pianoette looks really good. The internet is packed with resources for guitar but I never found anything for Piano. I used to take Piano lessons and I would love to get back into it now I have a keyboard set up permanently.
Take a look at the learntoplaymusic site, or search under ""Progressive music books"", Olly..they produce a huge range of adults and kids instruction books, mostly keyboard and guitar, available all over the world, which come with a CD and DVD so they can be used to teach yourself if you have some basic musical knowledge. We use the kids Keyboard books for kids music classes and retail them for 20 bucks.
Looks like a cool site. I my well crib some stuff for my own guitar teaching.
This site will keep you or your students very busy. I think it is one of the best on the web. So much on this site too!
Looks like a cool site. I my well crib some stuff for my own guitar teaching.
watermelon john wrote:This site will keep you or your students very busy. I think it is one of the best on the web. So much on this site too!
Hey crow, it is really a good site for teachers and if one has the time to spend on the site, you'll probably not have to buy any more guitar books LOL
Wow. I like this. Thanks . I hope this would be very useful for me.