Topic: JS1000
As per my HD500 review, I have not been playing enough to really give a decent review however I think I have currently found my favourite guitar so far...
I have always liked the look of the JS series as they look comfortable to play. They are indeed comfortable to play.
When I got my JS the whole thing needed a complete set up. The intonation was not set - in fact all the bridge blocks had been moved to one position. This resulted in the fine tuners not even coming into contact with the bridge. The neck was way out as well.
So initially I thought I had bought a faulty guitar but I took the bridge off completely, fixed the intonation and the tuning issue.
I set the action low and removed all fret biz via adjusting the truss. There is a visible bow in the neck but it seems the perfect position. No fret buzz, low action.
Playing the guitar is great. The neck is larger that my RG3120 but it doesn't bother me. What I love is how the high notes tend to "sing" - really lovely sound.
So far so good - very very pleased with this guitar!