Nice effort really enjoyed it. A very warm welcome.


(10 replies, posted in Politics & Economics)

Do u guys trust Wiki Leaks. I do but just don't know why they release selected leaks only.


(9 replies, posted in Misc)

I m having a cat phobia and my wife is a cat lover.  just fighting to overcome the phobia. lol


(6 replies, posted in Politics & Economics)

I played in the past.  lost few bucks lol.  Will play again with more formalized strategy.


(2 replies, posted in Albums)

Yes, this song is taken from "Sing Hollies in Reverse album". This album included songs from various artists.

Thank you.  i will read this ebooks, pretty long.  Good job. Lets see what i can learn from it.


(6 replies, posted in Politics & Economics)

jamesd74 wrote:

Good point.

I agree with you.  His death was a violation of basic human rights. The way they dragged his dead body was simply not acceptable to any civilized nation.

It really depends on the situation. Most of of the times it works by assigning more work.


(3 replies, posted in General Chat)

Is this a legitimate site?

I'am using windows media player and it works fine for me.


(4 replies, posted in Introduce yourself)

Hi I'am Steve. I love to play guitar and I' am hopeful that I will learn some new tips here. Thanks


(3 replies, posted in Politics & Economics)

I will build High quality schools for children.