(8 replies, posted in Everything Else)

No it is just a project for university. We are given topic heading and have to work with them.
This is called research for the project, to see what impact on the public is with new products.
It's all hypothetical.


(8 replies, posted in Everything Else)

Thank you for taking the time to read the post.


(8 replies, posted in Everything Else)

There is already bamboo farmers in the Far East. In Japan especially it is not being harvested so having a detrimental effect on the environment.  Bamboo is a grass and only takes a short time, less than one season to grow to maturity required for the industrial process. Steel production is one of the worst environmental industries but as it's made on a massive scale it is a cheap product. This is for my engineering degree project and we have to ask questions like this as this is what product and manufacturing in engineering are today all about, sustainability.


(8 replies, posted in Everything Else)

I am writing an Engineering project on a guitar stand. (at the OU Engineering Degree)
I propose that the steel stand can be changed for a material that has less of an impact on the environment.


The questions are.
Would you buy a stand made of bamboo?
Would cost of stand be a factor in buying one? (cheaper one wins out)
What do you think of the guitar stand that you own?
Would the environmental angle be a contributing factor in your purchase of a stand?

Thanks for any feedback.