Topic: Best Clean Tone? Original Roland JC-120
I first found out about this legendary amp when my teacher bought the most recent model. After playing his every week for a while I soon fell in love with its clean tone, and clarity it has. Ever since then I've tried to simulate that kind of sound for my clean tone, either with my TSL100 or using emulators but nothing was really the same.
I finally bought one a few weeks ago, off ebay. Its one of the original models, so it's pretty old, I've heard that the original models are possibly the best, since they don't make them quite the same as they did, and it definitely has that tone I was looking for. The only thing is the preamp seems to be quite noisy, I'm not sure if this is because it is old and needs servicing, or if thats just how these old amps sounded, would be good to know if anyone knows... either way I hope to take it to someone for a service at some point. If anyone knows anyone good to take it to around London that would be appreciated too
You can check out my review of it here:
Through a: Marshall TSL100, Roland JC-120, ZenDrive
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