The student pays every 4th lesson. They pay 4 lessons in advance.
This means on lesson 4, their next payment is due, not on lesson one.
If they don't show, they've paid for that lesson. They just didn't take it. They will still be due on Lesson 4.
When you start out with those ground rules, you'll find a lot of issues go away.
Let's say though, that once in a while someone just flubs...especially after youve been teaching a while, you learn to be graceful...sometimes life happens. But you'll come to know those who are sincere and always do things, from those who are flaking.
I dont think a guitar teacher should ever feel bad about asking for the fee, or even what they are asking. We are not beggars for alms, we are legitimate service providers and professionals, and we are worth what we ask. We should never put ourselves subordinate to others, as if we are just begging for their scraps. People will walk all over you.
If you go get fuel in the car does the attendant have to beg us to pay? No. If we eat at a restaurant, does the cook have to come out and beg us to pay? No. Neither should it be with ourselves as service providers, if we truly believe in what we do, and that it is a legitimate service.
As long as we are seeing ourselves as professional, others will as well. Never beg for your bread, amigos.
If I have a student that continually calls in or misses, I gently suggest that I may want their time slot for someone that can make it more, not in a shaming way, but why keep this prime slot if you can't make it. Tell you what, next time you're free, call me and I'll tell you what I have available.
9-10 times, they get the point and the problem is solved. They make their lessons more regularly.
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