(7 replies, posted in Favorite Guitar Sites)

Instructor wrote:

I hope this is appropriate to post this.

I run a Guitar School here in South Texas, and we specialize in the teaching of music theory, and mastery of the guitar.

I'd be happy to answer any questions that I can.  The site is currently in the middle of an upgrade, but you are free to have a look at the way it is now.  The upgrade should be done, sometime over the next 2 weeks.

If we can answer any questions let us know.  You can read about our beginnings, our successes, our students, and the press that we've recieved from all over.


Glad to know this, what about the fee?

Thanks mate for the details, I searched an online teacher.


(2 replies, posted in Guitar Techniques)

Actually I am not a good writer, but after reading these points it converted me to try this.


(4 replies, posted in Introduce yourself)

Hello there, nice to meet you all!

I got the guitar before 3 years ago, still I didn’t change the strings and they have a good condition. How often should I change them?