Topic: Weekly or Fortnightly?
I currently have a guy that comes every week. I have a guy that comes fortnightly.
In the past when I had lessons people tended to favour the fortnightly lessons.
What do you do? And what do you think is best and why?
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I currently have a guy that comes every week. I have a guy that comes fortnightly.
In the past when I had lessons people tended to favour the fortnightly lessons.
What do you do? And what do you think is best and why?
No way will I book people in fortnightly- firstly, because I run a teaching studio, with all the associated costs like rent, power, phone, insurance, etc..and secondly because if a student is doing something the wrong way, and they practice that way for two weeks, the error is so imprinted it's very very hard or impossible to overcome.
Weekly is far by the choice for a beginner. Advance students I think vary upon their request and I don't see anything wrong with 1 or more lessons per month
Self taught I get a real satisfaction that way.
two weeks.
My students tend to start weekly and move to fortnightly (maybe they are trying to tell me something LOL). I agree about the practicing things badly comment but I think it comes down to economics (Im not in a wealthy area) and commitment to practice. Some feel maybe that they dont get to practice enough to improve sufficiently over a week, and who am I to comment really.
The really annoying ones are those who book and dont turn up
Generally I do not accept every other week lessons. I do have two at this moment but only because last summer I agreed to let one of my students who was 5 at the time do it. I was then left with an open spot every other week. I then recently let someone fill that alternate spot. Besides that there will be no more every other week spots. When they quit I'm not replacing them with more that come every other week.
I turned down a couple recently that wanted to come every other week. I have found it to be more of a hassle then it's worth. You either come every week or nothing.